
People build a snowman outside the US Capitol in Washington, D.C., March 21, 2018.

House approves government spending bill despite conservative revolt

The Republican-led chamber backed the measure 256-167, sending it to the Senate ahead of a midnight Friday deadline. But 90 of the 238 House Republicans ignored pleas for support from House Speaker Paul Ryan and voted against it.

State Department chief Rex Tillerson has backed dramatic cuts to his department, saying its current funding levels are "simply not sustainable."

So we slash US foreign aid. But why?

Global Politics

President Trump, why are you shrinking the EPA when Defense Secretary Mattis believes climate change is a national security threat?

Global Politics
Diplomacy and development take a backseat to military spending in President Trump's proposed budget.

Eliminating the State Department entirely still wouldn’t cover Trump’s proposed hike in military spending

Global Politics
1 billion dollar question

Hey Donald Trump — here’s what women around the world need your help with

The crowd cheers during a Tea Party rally to "Audit the IRS" in front of the U.S. Capitol in Washington June 19, 2013

From Congress, a Christmas gift to conservatives


Tea Party groups have won a major victory, strengthening provisions established by the Citizens United case.

Chairs at a school built, but never occupied, were stripped for firewood.

Behold: How the US blew $17 billion in Afghanistan

Global Politics

The US government has wasted billions of dollars in Afghanistan, and until now, no one has added it all up. Project after project blundered ahead ignoring history, culture and warnings of failure.

Shrinking of Military Unprecedented, says Acting Deputy Secretary of Defense Christine Fox

In the face of sequester budget cuts, the American military is shrinking significantly. Normally associated with peacetime adjustments, downsizing during wartime is unheard of. For some officials, such as Acting Deputy Secretary Christine Fox, this is cause for concern. In the face of sequester budget cuts, the American military is shrinking significantly. Normally associated with peacetime adjustments, downsizing during wartime is unheard of. For some officials, such as Acting Deputy Secretary Christine Fox, this is cause for concern.

1st Lieutenant Jennifer Moreno, 25, of San Diego, was killed in action in the Zhari district of Afghanistan, near Kandahar, on Sunday. Moreno was a qualified paratrooper, and was serving as a cultural liaison officer with Special Forces.  Her family is on

Charity steps in to help military families unable to receive death benefits because of the shutdown

Global Politics

Families who lost loved ones in Afghanistan over the weekend were dealt a second blow when they were told the government was going to be unable to immediately pay death benefits, due to the government shutdown.