
Hijab Wearing Breakdancer Turns Heads in Morocco

Lifestyle & Belief

In Rabat Morocco, there’s a new breakdancer on the scene who goes by the name B-Girl Scarf. While many are taking a note that she dances wearing a hijab, she hopes you’ll pay more attention to her hip hop moves. Producer Jake Warga brings us her story.In Rabat Morocco, there’s a new breakdancer on the scene who goes by the name B-Girl Scarf. While many are taking a note that she dances wearing a hijab, she hopes you’ll pay more attention to her hip hop moves. Producer Jake Warga brings us her story.

Students at a D1 dance competition in Lima, Peru. The group started with kids who did backflips on the street for spare change.

A passionate ballerina turns at-risk kids in Peru into professional dancers

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