
robot insect

What can fly, swim and dive? This tiny robotic insect.


The latest iteration of “RoboBee” could someday be used in search and rescue operations, or environmental monitoring projects.

Monarch butterflies at the Pismo Beach Monarch Butterfly Grove in California.

‘The situation is desperate’ for monarch butterflies, but here’s the plan to save them


What Drones, Bees and Marilyn Monroe Have in Common

The World in Words

When it comes to honey, in many stores you’re not getting what you think


MacArthur Genius fights to keep bees alive

Update: Study Finds Pesticides Dull Bees’ Sense of Smell

A new study finds that a widely-used group of pesticides seem to make bees forget the smell of food.

Bee Populations in Decline, Debate Swarms Around Pesticides


The EU is considering a two-year ban on a widely-used group of pesticides that have been linked to bee deaths in Europe and the US. The World’s Gerry Hadden reports.

Bee Honest

A melissopalynologist cracks the case of missing pollen in honey.

Spelling Champ on This Year’s Bee

It’s one of the most closely watched competitions in America. It’s featured on ESPN and has been the subject of countless films, novels, and TV specials. It attracts hundreds of fierce competitors from around the world, but for most, it ends in tears and defeat. This is, of course, the Scripps National Spelling Bee. The […]

What’s The Buzz? Conservationists Reintroduce Short-Haired Bumblebees to UK


Short-haired bumblebees are being re-introduced to the UK after having disappeared for nearly 25 years.