
The small size of the blue halite crystals found in two meteorites is shown next to a pair of tweezers.

Blue salt crystals on meteorites stoke conversation about extraterrestrial life


The blue salt crystals, which resemble blue sapphires, may have come from Ceres, a dwarf planet located in the asteroid belt between Mars and Jupiter.

NASA's Mars rover, Curiosity, is pictured in this February 3, 2013 handout self-portrait.

The Curiosity rover uncovers evidence that Mars once had a massive lake

NASA scientist speaks at COSAT

School Year Blog: South African students meet a NASA scientist

Development & Education
Scientists using NASA's Kepler space telescope have found the best candidates yet for habitable worlds beyond the solar system.

Hello? Is anybody out there?


Small Matters

So What Happens if Voyager One Actually Meets E.T.?

As NASA’s Voyager One heads out of the solar system, anchor Marco Werman finds out what happens if the probe actually were to make contact with extra-terrestrial life. Marco speaks with Paul Davies, head of the Post-Detection Task Group with SETI, the Search for Extra-Terrestrial Intelligence.

Microbes below Earth’s surface could be potential link to Mars rover discovery


Carbon compounds found in a drill sample from Mars and microbes found below the Earth’s surface could be related to one another according to researchers at the Deep Carbon Observatory. Though they’re learning more about deep microbial life, some researchers say it could be the link to previous life on Mars.

‘Mohawk guy’ becomes the new face of NASA


Bobak Ferdowsi is young, good looking and sports a stars-and-stripes Mohawk. He’s also the flight director for NASA’s Mars Curiosity rover. That Ferdowki doesn’t look like your typical rocket scientist is what made him an overnight Internet sensation, and the new face of the U.S. space program.

MIT professor explores planets for signs of life


Professor Sara Seager is certain life has evolved on another planet. Seager, a planetary scientist and astrophysicist at M.I.T., is one of the leaders of the hunt for new planets that demonstrate evidence of life.

VIDEO: New planet, possibly habitable, discovered by NASA scientists


Scientists with the Kepler telescope program have discovered a planet that could be perfect for supporting life. And it’s just 600 light years away from Earth.