Air pollution in the United States

The Shell Norco refinery in Norco, Louisiana, Thursday, March 8, 2018.

A new interactive map can help assess carcinogenic emissions risk

Health & Medicine

The nonprofit investigative newsroom ProPublica recently created an interactive map that highlights the EPA’s failure to account for cumulative cancer risk for Americans who live near several industrial facilities.

In this July 27, 2018, photo the Dave Johnson coal-fired power plant is silhouetted against the morning sun.

Fossil fuels cause 1 in 5 premature deaths worldwide, study says

Los Angeles smog

Prior exposure to air pollution increases risk of death from COVID-19, new research suggests

Air pollution in China

Air pollution is a silent killer, even when it meets EPA standards

Health & Medicine
Clairton Coke Work

Residents sue US Steel over air pollution in Western Pennsylvania


Obama’s climate plan targets coal, but it will face challenges


The Obama administration’s big new move on climate policy would cut climate pollution from power plants by 30 percent over the next 16 years, with the biggest reduction coming from coal-fired plants. But opponents promise a fight on many fronts.The Obama administration’s big new move on climate policy would cut climate pollution from power plants by 30 percent over the next 16 years, with the biggest reduction coming from coal-fired plants. But opponents promise a fight on many fronts.

U.S. Clean Air Act is back in court


A federal appeals court in Washington, D.C., heard two days of oral arguments in a case pitting coal, oil and steel industry groups against the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency. The coalition that took the EPA to court claims Clean Air Act regulations are unfounded and burdensome for businesses.

The World

Obama withdraws from stricter smog standards

Global Politics

Last Friday, President Obama withdrew a new draft of the Ozone National Ambient Air Quality Standards. Obama cited regulatory uncertainty and burden as the reasons for his decision. Joining us is David Biello of Scientific American.

The World

SCOTUS Rules On Greenhouse Gas Emissions

Conflict & Justice

The Supreme Court unanimously agreed yesterday to reject a lawsuit brought on by six states, New York City, and several land trusts, seeking to reduce carbon dioxide emissions from major power plants. Jeff Rosen of George Washington University joins us.

The World

Dueling Senate Bills to Block EPA CO2 Regs

Jay Rockefeller (D-WV) wants to put EPA’s climate authority on hold for two years. His bill could get more votes than similar Republican legislation. Would President Obama veto?