Agricultural economics

Grocery meat aisle

Pandemic exposes ‘major vulnerabilities’ in the American food system, says author Michael Pollan


Michael Pollan, the author of “The Omnivore’s Dilemma” and other books, says food shortages and massive food dumping during the COVID-19 pandemic expose major vulnerabilities in the American food supply chain. 

Conservative, liberal groups join in opposition to farm bill proposals


Urban farming grows in Ottawa

The changing face of farming in America

Global Politics
The World

Kenyan Start-Up Offers Farm in a Backpack

The Farm Bill Food Fight

The Farm Bill passed through the Senate and heads to the House. But it’s uncertain is there will be real reforms.

The World

Community Supported Agriculture Grows Up

About ten years ago a form of direct marketing for small farmers evolved called Community Supported Agriculture; or CSA. CSA’s are based on a commitment between farmers, and consumers who put money up front for a share of the harvest. The model developed as a way to create a viable market for organic food, and […]

Commnity-Supported Agriculture

Steve Curwood talks with the owners of Caretaker Farm in Williamstown, MA, a community-supported agriculture enterprise that links traditional organic, local food production and an unconventional approach to marketing.

The World

Mexican Drive for Cash Cops

In the struggle to feed booming populations and attract export income, developing countries have increasingly turned to large-scale mechanized farming. In many cases yields have gone up, but often at a cost to the environment. In the search for what’s become known as “sustainable agriculture,” many farmers are finding that old farming technologies are often […]

The World

On the Farm with the Farm Bill

Though the bill has plenty of critics, some conservationists approve. So what does it mean for farmers and the environment?