
Elephants in the Chobe National Park in Botswana on March 3, 2013. 

An elephant never forgets, sometimes sheds insight

Critical State

Critical State, a foreign policy newsletter by Inkstick Media, takes a deep dive this week into what the socialization patterns of elephants can teach us about human evolution.

Lead and violent crime

Health & Medicine

Children’s Violence on Film: ‘Hunger Games’ v. ‘Bully’

50 Cent on His New Book ‘Playground’

Re-Thinking the American Bully

Arts, Culture & Media

Do Pesticides Alter Hormones?

New studies on children and mice suggest a link between pesticide exposure and hormonal disruption, leading to learning disabilities and changes in aggressive behavior. Steve Curwood talks with Los Angeles Times environment reporter Marla Cone, who has been following the research.

Young Men: Seeking to Conquer

We usually think people fight wars over political ideologies, or religion or ethnicity. But two researchers at York University in Toronto say there’s something even more basic operating. Psychology professor Neil Weiner and his protégé Chris Mesquida (mes-Queet-ta) contend that the presence of young, unmarried men can help steer a society toward a war of […]

Lead in Children: A Cause for Aggression

Steve Curwood speaks with Dr. Herbert Needleman, author of a scientific study linking criminal aggression to lead levels in children’s blood. Dr. Needleman is a professor of psychiary and pediatrics at the University of Pittsburgh Medical school.

The World

Note on Emerging Science

Scientists discover female topi antelopes never play hard to get.

The World

Emerging Science Note/Topi Love

Why amorous female topi ardently pursue the male of the species.