Age of Enlightenment

a woman take a photo of a da vinci painting

8 things you may not know about Leonardo da Vinci, on the 500th anniversary of his death

Arts, Culture & Media

Dead five centuries, Leonardo retains a rock star’s fame, well known around the world by just one name. Here, some facts about the man and his legacy.

Leonardo Da Vinci imagined this instrument, but it never became real until now

Arts, Culture & Media

Big Data and Culturomics

Devout Catholic Paul Ryan’s Interest in Voltaire

Slideshow: Finding Da Vinci’s Lost Art

Arts, Culture & Media
The World

Birds and Beethoven

Lauren Gravitz profiles Luis Baptista, the world-renowned ornithologist who died last month. With plenty of evidence from both the human and avian worlds, Dr. Baptista illustrates his theory that birds and people create music in a similar fashion.

The World

Studio 360 – Episode 843 – Segment 2 – Music in Space

When NASA launches the space shuttle, mission control wakes up the astronauts every morning with a song. But that’s not the only music heard in outer space. The astronauts often bring instruments with them to play. We asked Richard Paul to find out what it’s like to rock out in space.

A New Perspective on the American Revolution

American patriot lore tells us that the story of the American Revolution is simple. Oppressive British overlords wanted to profit from settlers in the new world. But patriots, led by the likes of Paul Revere and George Washington fought for the independence of the colonies. We fought the red coats. We won. And we’ve all […]