Aerospace engineering

This blue airplane is actually quite green — and perhaps it’s the future


NASA’s research goes far beyond putting astronauts into space. In fact, this aircraft design is an example of NASA’s research into aircraft design in an effort to make commercial planes a bit easier on the ears — and the Earth.

NASA building the most powerful rocket on Earth

The World

The Fastest Car

India Tests Missile That Puts China in Range


North Dakota: Training Pilots of Unmanned Aircraft

Conflict & Justice
The World

Science Note/Bat Aerodynamics

New research shows that the hair on bats’ wings are essential for agile flight.

Are Air Traffic Controllers Overworked?

After another incident of an air traffic controller falling asleep while on the job alone, the FAA announced yesterday that it will now post an extra staffer on overnight shifts in 27 control towers across the country.  The incident in Nevada early Wednesday morning is the sixth time this year an air traffic controller has fallen […]

Almanac: Supersonic Bear

This week, we have facts about the first supersonic bear. Forty years ago, a bear named Yogi was launched from a supersonic plane to test the effects of high-speed stress.

The World

Modernizing the airplane: GPS to replace radar

The Senate passed a $34.5 billion bill on Monday that will bring in GPS technology to replace radar. This is an attempt to help modernize our country’s dated air traffic control system.

Government Shutdowns, Walkouts and Gridlock

What do Wisconsin, Ohio and Indiana have in common? Each state has experienced the fleeing of lawmakers in order to stall legislation that they don’t want to see passed. Is this an effective political tactic or an unprecedented form of gridlock? It seems that in these states the Democratic lawmakers are simply bucking their responsibilty […]