
Echa wears the hijab because it's the law for women in Aceh. Echa is transgender, and when she wears the headscarf, she says no one calls her names.

A transgender woman in Aceh, Indonesia gathers strength as new anti-gay sex laws roll out


New anti-gay laws that just took effect in Indonesia’s Aceh province mandate 100 strokes from the cane for people engaging in gay sex.

Body percussion a sign of cultural heritage in recovering Aceh province in Indonesia

Arts, Culture & Media

Tourists flocking to tsunami-scarred Indonesian communities

Aceh’s Orphans

Banda Aceh Authorities Arrest Punk Rock Concertgoers for ‘Moral Rehabilitation’

Lifestyle & Belief
The World

Body Percussion Music From Aceh

Arts, Culture & Media

A group from Aceh performs body percussion music and is starting to get some notice outside the tsunami-ravaged region.

Tsunami Tourism in Indonesia


A growing number of tourists are coming to see the relics of tsunami destruction in Aceh.

Indonesian Waters

The people of coastal northern Sumatra were largely dependent on the sea for their livelihood and nutritional protein. Host Steve Curwood talks with Indonesia specialist Susie Ellis of Conservation International on how the catastrophe could affect human health and ecosystem health in Aceh province.

The World

The Indian Ocean tsunami, five years later

Arts, Culture & Media

Tomorrow, December 26, is the 5-year anniversary of the Indian Ocean Tsunami. How have things changed since 2004? Indeed, have things changed?

The World

Coffee and music in Indonesia

Global Politics

How do young people in the Indonesian province of Aceh have fun and obey strict Islamic or sharia law? As Julia Simon reports, they go listen to music in the region’s many coffee shops.