Stephen King

How Would You Spend Stephen King’s Money?

Arts, Culture & Media

When Stephen King publishes a novel with the same title as your modestly selling book, you can expect a big bump in (mistaken) sales. 

Temporary workers start to prepare the castle's haunted house about a month before Halloween. The haunted house was started by US military personnel almost 40 years ago.

There was a real Frankenstein castle. Yes, they dress it up for Halloween


Remembering Elmore Leonard

Nettle’s ‘El Resplandor’ Inspired by Stephen King’s ‘The Shining’

Arts, Culture & Media
The World

Colson Whitehead Goes Zombie

Arts, Culture & Media
The World

Marines in Afghanistan Escape in a Good Book

Arts, Culture & Media

Some troops in Afghanistan spend their off hours trying to escape the tensions of the battlefield with books.