Orville Schell

Some of the ruins at Yuanmingyuan in Beijing.

Ruins in Beijing help explain why the Chinese are so wary of the west

Conflict & Justice

The World’s Matthew Bell finds that Chinese still remember the burning of the summer palace of China’s last imperial dynasty, more than 150 years ago. It was destroyed by British and French soldiers — which may shed some light on recent Chinese government pressure on foreign news organizations.

Chinese people left in the dark as officials plan leadership transition

Global Politics

In red China, Walmart leading a green revolution

The World

China’s Imperfect Transition

Global Politics

Obama in China

Chinese Coal Rush

China’s state run banking system helps boost the construction of new coal plants, despite costs to the health and environment of the People’s Republic.

The World

The making of a new icon in North Korea

Global Politics

North Korea’s best designers likely working up a whole new iconography for their likely next leader, Kim Jong-un. Anchor Lisa Mullins speaks with Orville Schell, who directs the Center on US-China relations at the Asia Society in New York.