Nancy Cohen

The World

Mental Health Practitioners Go to the Dogs

The idea that bringing plants and animals into clinics and hospitals can make patients happier and healthier is gaining ground in the field of mental health. Advocates of “animal-assisted” therapy say contact with animals can help draw out severely withdrawn patients and help calm down the violent ones. There are plenty of anecdotes about the […]

The World

Community Supported Agriculture Grows Up

The World

Husbands and Wives for Alewives

The World

Disappearing Wildflowers

The World

Save the Eel

The World

Fish Out of Water

According to the Palmer Drought Index, one-quarter of the nation is in a severe drought. Some states are asking citizens to curb their water use. And in the west, many states are on fire-alert. All over the country, rivers and lakes are at abnormally low levels. As Nancy Cohen reports from Connecticut, both fish–and those […]

The World

Bird Songs

Birds sing to communicate to each other. And mostly, it’s the males who do most of the singing. In Massachusetts, a biologist is studying the song of the Chestnut-sided Warbler to find out how and why the male attracts females. Nancy Cohen reports.