Mona Seif

Arjen Robben of the Netherlands falls on the pitch during the 2014 World Cup round of 16 game between Mexico and the Netherlands at the Castelao arena in Fortaleza June 29, 2014. No foul was called.

Brazil wins the title for most faked injuries in the World Cup

Global Scan

The drama has been intense on the field during the World Cup… and then there have been the games. The Wall Street Journal tallied up the theatrical moments of feigned injuries — and Brazil is the clear winner. At least in Brazil, women can attend the matches. Not so in Iran. And the US warns travelers away from visiting much of Africa, all in today’s Global Scan.The drama has been intense on the field during the World Cup… and then there have been the games. The Wall Street Journal tallied up the theatrical moments of feigned injuries — and Brazil is the clear winner. At least in Brazil, women can attend the matches. Not so in Iran. And the US warns travelers away from visiting much of Africa, all in today’s Global Scan.

Freedom of the Press in Post-Mubarak Egypt