Marlon Bishop

The Peculiar Sadness of a Toothbrush

Arts, Culture & Media

A group of artists turns refuse from the US-Mexico border into sculptures that bring home the migrant experience.

Yillian David is a Garifuna living in Honduras. She's thought of leaving to go to the US, but she's decided to stay to help preserve her culture.

One Honduran woman decided not to leave for the US thanks to her Garifuna culture


Sierra Leone Thumb Piano Player, Sorie Kondi, Finds American Audience Online

Arts, Culture & Media

Prince Koloni: French Guiana’s Star

Arts, Culture & Media
The World

Funk Carioca Makes Comeback in Brazil Despite Bailes Crackdown

Arts, Culture & Media
The World

New Films On The Cheap

Low-budget movies are hot in Hollywood right now and the young filmmakers behind them owe a lot to the Internet. Technology and social media are changing the way films are being made ? and it’s a much shorter path from YouTube to the big screen than you might think. Produced by Marlon Bishop.

The World

Cape Verdean Idol

Arts, Culture & Media

Noah Andrade is a rising star in the Cape Verdean music scene. He’s also 11 years old and lives in Rhode Island. We sent Marlon Bishop to Providence to find out why Andrade is considered the new hope of Cape Verdean culture in America.