Marina Giovannelli

Foreign-trained doctors kept out of practice in US

Conflict & Justice

Demand for medical care will grow. One possible solution would be to allow more foreign-trained doctors to work in the US. Many are ready to practice but the US system for residency keeps them out of the running. Marina Giovannelli of WLRN-Miami has more.

The World

Amazon geoglyphs

Arts, Culture & Media
The World

Geo answer

Arts, Culture & Media
The World

Bebel Gilberto

Arts, Culture & Media
The World

Geo answer ? Norway’s new energy

The World

No Joke: Sea blobs on the rise


Scientists say global climate change is responsible for the spread of massive blobs of floating marine mucus. The blobs are harmful to humans and sea life. And they’re taking a toll on Italy’s tourism economy. The World’s Marina Giovannelli reports.