Greg Miller

A Google Maps image of the Golden Gate Bridge in San Franciso.

Want to know if the mall is crowded? That’s just one of the promises of future maps


It’s been 10 years since Google Maps forever changed how people get from point A to point B. Now ever more accurate maps and other advances promise another wave of innovation.

Osama bin Laden’s relative faces trial in U.S. despite criticism

Conflict & Justice

No longer a turf war, the Pentagon and CIA work closely

Global Politics

CIA’s Clandestine Chief Connected to Destruction of Torture Tapes

Global Politics

US to Escalate Drone Campaign in Yemen

Al-Qaeda Claims Responsibility for Kidnapping of US Aid Worker

Warren Weinstein is a veteran aid worker who was kidnapped by armed men in Lahore almost four months ago. Ayman al-Zawahiri and the Pakistan  branch of al-Qaeda have claimed responsibility for this, and created a list of demands for his release. Among them are the end of U.S. airstrikes in Afghanistan, Pakistan, Somalia and Yemen, as […]

Forensic Team Will Examine Bin Laden Compound

Pakistan has given the CIA permission to enter Osama bin Laden’s compound in order to take forensic samples. Greg Miller, national security correspondent for The Washington Post. “The Pakistanis were not pleased with the raid, so it is a significant concession for them to let the team into the compound in Abbottabad,” says Miller. While […]