Alexandra Gutierrez

The World

Note on Emerging Science

Scientists discover female topi antelopes never play hard to get.

The World

Emerging Science Note/Lava Land

The World

Comfort Food for Chimps/Emerging Science Note

The World

Emerging Science Note/Topi Love

The World

Eco-Christmas Trees

The World

Emerging Science Note/Poplars

A genetically-modified poplar tree promises to soak up toxins from polluted ground water.

The World

CoolFix for a Hot Planet

High-flying kites can capture the wind’s energy and provide a new source of clean power.

The World

Geo answer

Lifestyle & Belief

Algeria goes up against the US in its next World Cup match tomorrow in Pretoria, South Africa?and it’s the answer to our Geo Quiz. It’s a big deal for prisoners in Guantanamo Bay. Anchor Marco Werman finds out why from reporter Alexandra Gutierrez.