marine conservation

Northern right whales

Whale deaths may be related to warming seas, researchers say


Northern right whales were hunted to near extinction, but they seem to be hanging on after being protected by the Endangered Species Act. After 13 sudden deaths, scientists wonder whether they face a new man-made threat: climate disruption.

A dolphin performs tricks at a recent Six Flags show in Mexico City.

Mexico City is banning dolphin shows, taking a lead on animal rights

A simulation of the floating screens to be deployed by Ocean Cleanup to capture small plastic down to 1 cm, up to massive discarded fishing nets.

Two proposals to clean up our oceans of garbage: Will either work?

Eating a mussel

To understand climate change, look at it from a mussel’s perspective

The vaquita marina is a critically endangered porpoise species that lives only in the northern part of the Gulf of California. Scientists believe the population may be down to just 30 animals.

Adios, vaquita marina? Mexico’s ‘little sea cow’ is being pushed to the edge of extinction.
