
The World


Arts, Culture & Media

The German poet Goethe was 23 years old when he wrote his first novel, which he composed almost entirely of letters. The Sorrows of Young Werther spoke to readers, especially young men, in a way no book had ever done before. It inspired a crazed following and a rash of copy-cat suicides. Two centuries later […]

Postmarked from Beyond

Arts, Culture & Media
A supporter of the anti-Muslim group PEGIDA in Dresden, Germany.

One simple word defines Germans, but Germans don’t agree on what it means

Global Politics
Bad Doberan, Germany is the home of Zappanale, an annual summer festival inspired by the life and work of Frank Zappa.

In the former East Germany, Frank Zappa lives on as a beacon of freedom

German toy company Playmobil released a Martin Luther figurine this year, ahead of the 500th anniversary of the Protestant Reformation in 2017. The first run of 34,000 sold out in less than 72 hours.

Martin Luther didn’t just reform the church, he reformed the German language

Eric Jarosinski, the University of Pennsylvania professor behind Nein Quarterly

Germans on Twitter say ‘ja!’ to Nein Quarterly

Arts, Culture & Media

A University of Pennsylvania professor tweeting as “Nein Quarterly” has attracted more than 40,000 followers with his wry observations on everything from US politics to the sexiness of the German umlaut.