
A man sits on a fishing boat stranded on the bed of dried-up lake in Thiruninravur, India, June 29, 2019.

Villagers accuse city of seizing water as drought parches ‘India’s Detroit’

People living on the outskirts of Chennai, India, are blocking roads and laying siege to tanker lorries because they fear their water reserves are being sacrificed so city dwellers, businesses and luxury hotels don’t run out.

Thieves in India cut through a train to steal banknotes

Zero Rupee Note

How a non-profit in India is fighting corruption with fake money

"Mandolin" Srinivas performs a live show in Pune, India, in 2009. The musician introduced his electric mandolin into India's ancient Carnatic music.

Remembering the man who reinvented an ancient Indian musical style

Norway (white) versus the rest of the world (black)

Norway challenges the rest of the world to a not-so-friendly game of chess

Arts, Culture & Media

Haleem a Ramadan food that crosses religious boundaries in India

Lifestyle & Belief

Ramadan just ended and with it the period of daylight fasting observed by most Muslims around the world. In India especially, the fast is often broken with a dish called haleem, a sort of meat porridge that manages to bridge the religious divide and appeal to all manners of Indians.

Do Indian Films Promote Sexual Violence and Harassment?

Conflict & Justice

Sexual violence and aggression have been part and parcel of Indian cinema for decades. Some critics are wondering about the role of such films in condoning or even fomenting such violence.

Remembering Master Violinist M. S. Gopalakrishnan

Arts, Culture & Media

M.S. Gopalakrishnan was a violinist whose intense study led him to develop new styles of playing the instrument in Indian classical music.

Video: The Season of Carnatic Music in Chennai, India

Arts, Culture & Media

In Chennai, India, it is what is called “the December Season,” a time when the city comes alive with thousands of concerts featuring Carnatic music.

The World

Tamil Language Trying to Keep Up With the Times

Arts, Culture & Media

The language is having trouble keeping up with the times without the help of English.