Ann Arbor

a custom vw beetle in mexico

Goodbye, old friend: VW Beetle ceases production


Today, we say goodbye to an automotive icon and an old friend. Volkswagen is halting production of the Beetle. For real this time. We think.

It's common to see condom ads on billboards and on TV in India.

In India, condom ads are everywhere, but you can’t talk openly about sex

People take part in the Holi celebrations in the northern Indian state of Uttar Pradesh.

This winter, we could all use a little Holi

Maria Alyokhina (L) and Nadezhda Tolokonnikova, members of the punk collective Pussy Riot, listen to a question from the audience during a forum at Harvard's Kennedy School of Government, a few days before they made an appearance in Ann Arbor, MI.

Why I love Pussy Riot’s anger

Doctors David Ghozland and Marc Winter perform a single-site robotic-assisted hysterectomy.

Doctors are ready to test temporary ‘suspended animation’ to save people with severe injuries

Health & Medicine
Doctors David Ghozland and Marc Winter perform a single-site robotic-assisted hysterectomy.

Doctors are ready to test temporary ‘suspended animation’ to save people with severe injuries

Health & Medicine

It may seem ghoulish — pumping people full of cold saltwater to chill them down when they receive severe injuries — but the technique has had stunning success in animal trials and is now moving into its first human tests. The aim is to buy time to treat wounds.

The World

Italian-owned Chrysler reminds Americans that they’re still an American icon

Quite a few brands were promoting their American-ness at Sunday night’s Super Bowl. But in the age of globalization, is that always such a fair claim?

Local officials find difficulties in evaluating effectiveness of business tax incentives

States are competing against each other with tax incentives in the battle for jobs. But once incentives are given out, some are finding it impossible to determine whether they’re getting any return on their investment.

‘Foreign Babes in Beijing’

Arts, Culture & Media

How a young American and a popular Beijing soap opera came to embody the sensibilities of a new China.

Cars that Talk to Each Other

Detroit is still known as the car capital of America, but now the next big thing is a huge transportation safety and infrastructure project that has buy-in from eight auto-makers and the U.S. Department of Transportation. The project is called Safety Pilot Model Deployment. Cars communicate with each other, the roads, and the traffic signals […]