$200 to quit Facebook? Dad gives offer to daughter

You know times are tough when people give up Facebook. A dad in Boston paid his daughter $200 to quit. The father is Paul Baier, a research consultant in Boston, PC Magazine reported.

In a post on his website, Baier published the agreement he made with his daughter. She has to stay off the addictive social networking site for a whole summer. 

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ABC News got in touch with Baier, who explained to the station: "She has been frustrated she hasn't been able to find a babysitting job and she has been looking for ways to get cash. 'So she asked, 'If I didn't use Facebook for so long would you pay me?'"

Baier was happy to oblige, as he says his daughter could waste hours on the site each day. 

The agreement comes complete with a formal contract, which even spells out how to keep the password a secret from the daughter. 

If she finds herself getting Facebook cravings, perhaps she can use her money to pay a detective to stalk people in real life. 

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