The Civilist with Steven Petrow

A flame-free zone to discuss today’s toughest political and social issues — with, yep, kindness and respect.

Two people watch the sunset

House of Blues: Part two of a conversation with Andrew Solomon about depression


Depression is real and nothing to be ashamed of. We want to help you talk about it.

Steven made this pecan pie for Thanksgiving.

Talking turkey, politics and gratitude — and how to keep everything running smoothly

Global Politics
The Civilist guests

Duke and UNC students answer questions about free speech, trigger warnings and safe spaces

A delegate makes a victory sign.

Six ways you can avoid losing friends because of social media — between now and Election Day

Global Politics
Man and the sunrise

Five ways to talk with anyone about depression

A Muslim woman cries near the coffin of her relative

Should we tweet about illness or, yes, even death?


How we deal with death in the age of social media prevents vexing problems for people dealing with loss.

Ji-Ho Park on the Duke University campus

In the war over pronouns, gender-neutral pronouns are here to stay


As more people become comfortable with outing themselves as pan-sexual or genderqueer, the way we refer to them is changing.

An HB2 headline in the Raleigh News and Observer.

North Carolina’s governor says ‘basic etiquette’ is behind the state’s bathroom bill. Not so fast.

Global Politics

The Civilist host Steven Petrow is an expert on etiquette — and he can’t find anything in etiquette rules that supports HB2.

US and LGBT pride flag

‘Mr. Manners’ has a new podcast. He wants to use it to make America kind again.

Global Politics

The Civilist is the newest podcast from PRI. Over the coming weeks, host Steven Petrow will look at how we can bring civility to discussions about politics, LGBT rights and more.