Randi Epstein


Randi Hutter Epstein, M.D. is a freelance medical writer who has worked as a medical reporter for the London bureau of The Associated Press and has had articles published in The New York Times, The Daily Telegraph, The Washington Post, MORE, Geographical, Parents and other national magazines. She is an adjunct professor at The Graduate School of Journalism, Columbia University and is the author of the forthcoming book, "Get Me Out: A History of Childbirth from the Garden of Eden to the Sperm Bank" (Norton: January, 2010).

The World

Opinion: Why it’s time for the honest use of pesticides

We need to learn from our mistakes, take a hard look at the science and use DDT where and when it is needed: to save lives.

The World

Opinion: It can be hard to keep track of your eggs

The World

Analysis: Hope for mothers around the world

The World

Child survivors of the AIDS crisis in Africa
