Beth Hoffman

Saudi Company Leases Ethiopian Land for Rice Export

Global Politics

A Saudi Arabian company has leased tens of thousands of acres in Ethiopia to grow rice for export. The Ethiopian government says it will help provide food security for its citizens but some who live in the region say they’re not seeing any benefits.

The World

Tree Planting for Carbon Raises Questions

The World

Poultry Promise

The World

Duck Egg Rescue

The World

Growing Rice Debt Free

The World

Utah River, Frogs Bounce Back

Utah’s Provo River restoration has led to a rebound in numbers of a dwindling frog species.

The World

Making Moroccan jazz in California

Arts, Culture & Media

Yassir Chadley is an Imam in Oakland, and a swim coach. But he’s also a musician who blends traditional Moroccan tunes with contemporary jazz. He tells his story to producer Beth Hoffman.

The World

Women farmers in Uganda find promise in poultry


Generations of experts have dedicated their careers to finding ways to make sure children around the world have enough to eat. As Beth Hoffman reports from Uganda, some are turning to an overlooked bird to provide food and income. From Living on Earth.