
A Friday in Bangkok: Patrick Winn takes over @GlobalPost

GlobalPost correspondents add some local spice to @GlobalPost. We start with A Friday In Bangkok.

A Friday in Cairo: Erin Cunningham takes over @GlobalPost


#AFridayIn Namibia: Conway-Smith takes over @GlobalPost


A Friday in Lima: Tegel takes over @GlobalPost

A Friday in London: Neild takes over @GlobalPost

A Friday in Montreal: Ralph takes over @GlobalPost


GlobalPost’s Talia Beth Ralph, whose family has lived in Montreal for five generations, eats her way around the city.

#AFridayIn Caracas: Gupta takes over GlobalPost

Girish Gupta brought us to Caracas, Venezuela, ahead of the country’s potentially game-changing presidential elections.

A Friday in Berlin: Deasy takes over @GlobalPost

Deasy visits different neighborhoods in Berlin to hear what people are saying about the US election and America’s role in the world.

A Friday in Geneva: Besant takes over @GlobalPost

Besant explores why the small city of Geneva has become a huge diplomatic hub.

A Friday in Cambodia: Greenwood takes over @GlobalPost

Apparently, no bus ride in Cambodia is complete without karaoke and the driver driving on the wrong side of the road, at least some of the time.