On Europe

The World

Mario Draghi at Davos

ECB chief says bond markets are overestimating the risk attached to many euro zone countries’ sovereign debt

It’s Europe, they do summits differently here

Britain: riots and rights of parents to smack their kids


When the going gets tough the arms dealers get going

Britain, Argentina: more Falkland’s anniversary saber rattling


British bankers: another slap in the face


Former head of troubled RBS, is stripped of his knighthood.

Work: those were the days in Britain

A new study compares the world of work in Britain at the start of Queen Elizabeth II’s reign 60 years ago and today.

British austerity cuts: rhetoric and reality


An independent report notes that most of the government’s cuts have yet to come into effect.

Mona Lisa as she was meant to be seen?


A copy of Leonardo da Vinci’s painting is found in Prado shedding new light on iconic image

Polish Nobel Literature Prize winner dies


Wislawa Szymborska, one of the greatest European writers of the last half century, is dead at the age of 88