
Migrants take to social media to document their risky journey to the US


The Darien jungle, between North and South America, has become one of the main routes for migrants heading to the United States, with more than 520,000 people crossing just last year. Many are now documenting their migration journeys with their phones and posting videos on social media platforms. From Bogota, Manuel Rueda reports.

‘Sacred refuge:’ This cultural center provides a safe space for Jews and Arabs in Jerusalem

Israel-Hamas war
Rows of people kneeling in prayer

Tens of thousands attend Friday prayers at Al-Aqsa Mosque in Jerusalem

Israel-Hamas war
man in front of bookcase

Sharing the national burden in Israel

Israel-Hamas war
shepherd with photo

Oil refineries in northeastern Syria are sickening people and polluting the environment

Shadow of ISIS
Group of people detained in a truck

Dominican Foreign Minister Roberto Álvarez on Haiti crisis: ‘There is no interlocutor on the other side’

Conflict & Justice

The Dominican Republic has stationed 10,000 soldiers on its border with Haiti. Officials there are worried that chaos in Haiti will send migrants streaming into their country. The Dominican Republic’s Foreign Minister Roberto Álvarez tells The World’s Carolyn Beeler his country’s national security is his top priority, and he doesn’t back the establishment of a humanitarian corridor into Haiti. 

Haitians who were detained hold up their immigration status documents to prove they have work permits, in Haina, Dominican Republic, March 16, 2024.

‘We have different cultures, but we share the same island’: Dominican Republic priest says his country should do more to help Haiti

Conflict & Justice

The Dominican Republic has decided to impose tighter border restrictions to keep people from Haiti out of the country. The World’s host, Carolyn Beeler, speaks with Osvaldo Concepción, a Jesuit priest who works closely with Haitians who have crossed into the Dominican Republic, about the situation.

A main street on the edge of Mea She'arim, a Haredi (religious) neighborhood in Jerusalem.

Neturei Karta: an Orthodox Jewish sect that doesn’t believe in the concept of a Jewish state of Israel

Israel-Hamas war

Neturei Karta is an Orthodox Jewish Haredi sect that takes an anti-Zionist stance. Its members who live in Israel say they do not vote, run for office or take assistance from the government, while openly supporting the return of all of Israel to Palestinians.

Secretary Blinken and the US ambassador to Jamaica shake hands

‘Frank, difficult conversations’: State Department Deputy Spokesperson Vedant Patel speaks on Haiti, Gaza

Foreign policy

As conflict continues to unfold in Haiti and Gaza, State Department Deputy Spokesperson Vedant Patel joins The World’s Carolyn Beeler to talk about US policy options in both places.

woman in market

Residents in northeastern Syria react to recent attacks on US bases

Shadow of ISIS

About 900 American forces stationed in Northeast Syria have been attacked by militia forces in neighboring Iraq. The Americans act as a deterrence against ISIS and Turkey, both of which consider the Kurds in northeast Syria as their enemy. The residents in this area are on edge about the recent militia attacks and the possibility of a US withdrawal.